
Wow Fishing items
The Fishing Shack is a Special Garrison building that allows you to fish in your Garrison and eventually recruit Nat Pagle as a follower. He sells a number of rewards, including the sought-after Reins of the Crimson Water Strider mount and Land Shark battle pet. 1. Description Level Cost Perks Level…

PVP items wow
Originally Posted by Brian Holinka (Official Post)We ultimately arrived at a solution where we set player stats automatically in PvP and increase those stats based on your average item level. Players would understand that their stats didn’t come from gear, but that the quality of their gear does matter…

item lvl wow
Show Item Level and raid progression of player and all members in instance / party / raid. /oi or left-click OiLvL minimap button to show OiLvL Window(picture above) Right-click the icon or right-click OiLvL minimap button to show OiLvL configuration panel. Latest New Features: Show item level of items…

Wow best engineering items
I m still trying to figure out how to get the hearty feasts at 102. I ve played on the beta for a few months and never got the recipe for it even once I got to 110. Not to mention it requires a reagent you need to be 110 to get and the quest is green by then. So, expect to pay a small fortune for them…

Item upgrades wow
One of the most interesting changes to quest gearing in Warlords of Draenor is that you have a chance for any item you get as a quest reward to end up upgrading from a quest green to a blue (rare) quality drop, and even an epic (purple) on rare occasions. For example, the Karabor Honor Guard Legguards…

engineering items wow
Engineering Is a primary crafting profession that can create many useful, unique and amazing items, as well as junk (but often explosive junk!). Engineers can create helpful items for generally all classes to be used in PvE or PvP. To counterbalance this usefulness, most items crafted by engineering…

World of warcraft heirloom items
What kind of heirlooms can I get? Though you can t fill every gear slot with a piece of heirloom gear, you can get pretty close. You ll find shoulders, chests, legs, and helms in cloth, leather, mail, and plate with stats that are appropriate for almost every class and spec. We say almost because there…

fun items in wow
Text was changed from Use: Throw rock to a friendly target to Use: Throw rock to a friendly player Comment by BurningStick Warning: Do NOT throw this to a player if they have no free back space, i repeat: Do not throw it! As Cashewboy has pointed out, it will be destroyed Comment by Keydar It s all…

World of warcraft item recovery
I once feigned stabbing myself in the eye with a popsicle stick only to actually stab myself in the eye with a popsicle stick. Yep. I ve been known to make some rash decisions that cloaked the next hours of my life with self-pity and regret. This is why MMOs have functions like buy back tabs, confirmation…

most expensive item in wow
It’s not about pay to win, it’s about spending money on the most ludicrous in-game items that most of the time offer nothing except an aesthetic value. Some players have made a habit of buying all kinds of rare items with the sole purpose of collecting them. But there are also games that encourage you…

Wow item colors
R, g, b, hex = GetItemQualityColor(quality) Arguments quality (number) - The numeric ID of the quality from 0 (Poor) to 7 (Heirloom). r (number) - The Red component of the color (0 to 1, inclusive). g (number) - The Green component of the color (0 to 1, inclusive). b (number) - The Blue component of…

best item in wow
In an MMO like World of Warcraft, which is basically about collecting items and gear, the rarest, still obtainable ones are in legendary status. And they’re not just rare: they’re rare for various interesting reasons. It’s worth noting that there are quite a few items that are no longer available. Some…

sell wow items
Blizzard does not encourage selling WoW gear outside of game. Neither does any other MMO publisher, but a person can still get in-game items by exchanging real cash for them if he knows how. Real-World Trading - Buy WoW Gear World of Warcraft players can buy and sell items on the Internet. Blizzard offers…

World of warcraft item level
Subscribe to PCGamesN on YouTube Following a negative backlash to an unannounced change in WoW 7.2, Blizzard have further tweaked how monsters scale with equipment after level 110. Before 7.2 monsters scaled with your level, but this change has many players worrying that equipment now means nothing…

Wow all items
As the attacker has full access to the victim’s interface, he can check where the victim’s in-game character is currently located on the virtual map to approach him in-game. An attacker usually would not have the chance to know such detailed information about other players. In WoW, players have the possibility…

Item comparison wow
All Sims in this post were done with the same set of gear used by Frosted for an 840 pre raid mage - Thus these rules are really only valid for the 840~ item level range. Question: Approximately How many item levels is a socket worth on a piece of gear? Answer: First lets divide gear into Four categories…

Highest item level wow
Apologies for the delay in getting information out on this - our initial focus was on putting out other patch-day fires. Yes, this reflects a deliberate change, but it s also not working exactly as we intended. The scaling may be too steep, and the fact that unequipping a piece of gear can ever be helpful…

Secret wow items
One of the best-received elements of WoW’s last expansion, Warlords of Draenor, was the addition of more treasures and secrets in the world. Legion is taking this to its logical conclusion, cramming areas with items to find and easter eggs like Xur’ios. In an interview with community site Wowhead, Blizzard…

world of warcraft item list
Recently, we covered Blizzard’s award winning title Diablo in an effort to show you the most awesome legendary items. Now as part of giving you the list of items that you can drool over we today decided to show you some of the coolest looking most desired items that you wanna have in World of Warcraft…

Wow frostmourne item
Blizzard added a lot of items into World of Warcraft. Inferred from Items ID, I think there are more than one hundred thousand items in the game. However, as players, we can only use around two hundred items in the usual. Besides, not all items are provided for players. Some were added into the game…

world of warcraft transformation items
Transforms you into a Naga for 20(?) god damn seconds? Does Slizzard have any special reason why to wreck every each damned item that could be used in RP with duration and cooldown timers? Beyond the fact that they are retarded i mean. But aside of that, 20 seconds? F it will be npcd to the first freaking…

Wow item comparison addon
SimpleStats is designed as a simple and smart stat comparison AddOn. The core design philosophy is showing only stat changes you care about, and only when you care about them. For example, if you re playing a Hunter, you won t see stat comparisons on axes or plate armor, nor will you see stat changes…

Wow fun items
Toy lovers in World of Warcraft, it’s time to collect ’em all. When WOW patch 6.0.2 releases in the next couple of weeks in preparation for Nov. 13’s Warlords of Draenor expansion, the Toy Box feature will launch with it. Players of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game will finally be able…

Leveling items wow
On 2013-11-16T15:04:24-06:00 Nice guide, this is definitely a great spot to point new players towards thanks for what you do, Wowhead! Comment by Arraya on 2013-11-16T15:45:41-06:00 Very nice guide. I m the type of player that likes leveling up alts, so even if I don t recruit friends this is a nice…